How to Dress Well completes 'What Is This Heart?' video trilogy with 'Childhood Faith in Love'

Written By Bianca on 07/03/2014

How To Dress Well - The Great Escape 2013, Brighton | Photo by Howard Melnyczuk

the interns were enamoured with How To Dress Well (AKA Tom Krell)'s album What is This Heart? at first listen, with it passing our Friday Night Lock-in with flying colours and Repeat Pleasure appearing in our Top 20 of 2014. We've also been closely following the visual accompaniments to the tracks and now Tom Krell has released the finale to his love-inspired video trilogy. Watch below for Childhood Faith in Love, following its predecessors, Repeat Pleasure and Face Again.

Part 1/3 - Repeat Pleasure 

Part 2/3 - Face Again 

Part 3/3 - Childhood Faith in Love